Dr. H. Ukani
2502 St Johns Street #201
Port Moody, BC V3H 2B4
Phone: (604) 931-1893
Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.–4 p.m.Friday 9 a.m.–12 p.m.
Breast Implant Options
When it comes to choosing breast implants, our patients from throughout the Vancouver area, including Langley, Surrey, Coquitlam, and Abbotsford, have more options than ever. Breast augmentation patients are often excited and curious about picking out the right breast implants when they arrive at our Port Moody practice for their consultations. Dr. H. Ukani has the experience and expertise necessary to help you choose the implant filler, shape, size, texture, and profile to suit your needs and aesthetic goals.
If you are considering a boob job and have questions about breast implants in the Vancouver area, meet with Royal College-certified plastic surgeon Dr. H. Ukani. To get started, request a consultation using our online form, or call our office at (604) 931-1893 to schedule an appointment.
Breast Augmentation
Before & After Photos
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How Do I Choose the Right Size Breast Implant?
Women seeking breast augmentation usually think about the factor of size first. You know you want larger breasts, but how do you decide exactly what size is right? This is a highly personal decision. Dr. Ukani takes measurements and asks you questions to help you understand the factors involved in that choice, including how different sizes of implants will look on your frame.
We encourage our patients to bring “wish” pictures to their consultations to help communicate their goals. That’s usually a better starting point than having a specific sized breast implant in mind, because the same size implant can produce very different results in different women. It’s also important to understand that implant sizes are measured in cubic centimeters (cc) rather than bra cup sizes. As any woman who has shopped for bras knows, the sizes vary from one brand to another.
Dr. Ukani also uses Crisalix 3-D imaging to manipulate real photos of you and show you how different sizes could look on your body.
Glimpse Your Potential
See your results before surgery with Crisalix. This remarkable 3-D simulator lets you preview implant options on your own body for a realistic idea of your potential outcome. Schedule your consultation today and visualize your results with Crisalix.

Should I Get Silicone or Saline Breast Implants?
All breast implants feature a silicone shell, but they can be filled with either silicone or saline, and the choice comes down to your priorities and personal preference. Dr. Ukani offers both Mentor® and Allergan® implants, providing a wide range of options. He also takes the time to answer any questions you have about the different implants. Both silicone and saline implants have unique benefits. Read more about these below.
Silicone Implants
Most of the patients at our practice choose silicone implants. Advances in technology have produced implants that are completely safe and that look and feel more like natural breast tissue after being inserted. Silicone implants are less likely to show certain cosmetic complications, such as rippling, so they are appropriate for placement both under and over the pectoral muscle.
There are 2 types of silicone implants:
- Cohesive silicone gel implants: Many of our patients believe these implants feel the most like natural breast tissue. They are soft, but the cohesive gel is thicker than what was used in older silicone implants.
- Highly cohesive silicone implants, or “gummy bear” implants: These implants earned the gummy bear nickname because the consistency of the silicone filling resembles that of a gummy candy, which retains its shape even when cut. They are firm yet remain pliable.
In the past, silicone implants required slightly longer incisions than saline because they come prefilled. However, Dr. Ukani is able to keep his incisions very short by using the Keller Funnel™, a “no-touch” device that allows him to insert even larger implants easily.
Saline Implants
Because saline implants are filled after being inserted, Dr. Ukani can keep the incisions very small and fine-tune the results to ensure the breasts are symmetrical. That also makes them an excellent choice for patients who want their incisions made in the natural crease of the armpit. Women who desire a fuller, rounder look often choose saline implants, which also feel firmer than silicone gel. Saline implants are more prone to visible rippling and wrinkling than their silicone counterparts, but they typically cost a bit less than silicone.
Dr. Ukani can talk you through the pros and cons of each option and find the right implant to match your priorities.
In this video, a Mentor MemoryShape™ breast implant is cut to illustrate how its highly cohesive silicone filling stays in place. Dr. Ukani offers these teardrop-shaped Mentor implants, as well as many other shapes and varieties.

Dr. H. Ukani
Credentials You Can Trust

Are Round or Teardrop Implants Better?
Both silicone and saline breast implants are available in round and teardrop shapes.

- Round implants offer more fullness in the upper area of the breast and are popular for women who want enhanced cleavage.
- Teardrop-shaped implants mimic the natural slope of a woman’s breasts, becoming fuller near the base of the breast. Sometimes called anatomical or “shaped” implants, these are often the choice of women who want to restore volume but still look very natural. Teardrop implants are usually placed behind the pectoral muscle, which helps prevent them from rotating.
Natrelle INSPIRA® Round Breast Implants
At our practice, many patients choose Natrelle INSPIRA round implants from Allergan. These innovative implants are specifically designed to boost fullness in the upper part of the breast, appealing to women who have lost a full shape over time or who never had the cleavage they always wanted.

How Do I Choose an Implant Profile?
An implant’s profile is probably the trickiest option to understand. When searching for the right profile for you, Dr. Ukani’s experience as a breast augmentation specialist is particularly helpful.
“Profile” refers to how far an implant projects outward compared with how wide it is at the base. An implant with a higher profile has a narrower base than one with a lower profile. It’s helpful to see implant profiles illustrated, as shown here. These are the most common implant profile options, although some implants include additional choices. As you can see, the low-profile implant has a wider base. The base of the high-profile implant is the most narrow, and it projects the farthest.
Implant Profile Options

Dr. Ukani takes careful measurements of your chest and takes your goals into account before recommending an implant profile that fits your body type.
The process of choosing your breast implants may seem a bit overwhelming with all these factors to decide on, but with the help of Dr. Ukani as an experienced guide, it can be simple and even quite fun. Our patients leave these appointments feeling excited and confident to move forward with their breast augmentation procedures.
Breast Implant FAQ
Are breast implants safe?
Both saline and silicone breast implants are safe when placed by an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon in an appropriately screened patient. While some patients have concerns about breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) associated with textured implants or breast implant illness (BII), the vast majority of patients live happily without concerns after breast augmentation.
What’s the difference between saline and silicone breast implants?
Silicone gel implants are the choice of most patients because they look and feel like natural breast tissue. These implants do cost more than saline-filled implants. Saline is a natural, more affordable implant filling that may feel firmer than silicone. These implants are filled after placement so they can be inserted through smaller incisions. Dr. Ukani can help you weigh the pros and cons of each type to help you decide which you’ll be the happiest with.
Can I breastfeed with breast implants?
Most women can breastfeed with implants, although the volume of milk supply may be affected.
Will I have to replace my implants at some point?
Breast implants aren’t made to last forever; although, they typically last for a decade or more before they weaken and lose their shape. If you’d like to exchange your implants because you have concerns or want to make a change in fill material, size, or something else, Dr. Ukani can perform an elective implant exchange. Sometimes patients have their implants removed and not replaced in a procedure called explant surgery.
What’s the minimum size for breast implants?
The smallest breast implant sizes typically start at around 125cc, though some manufacturers offer implants as small as 80cc. Most surgeons recommend a minimum of 250cc for noticeable enhancement. The ideal minimum size varies based on your body type, existing breast tissue, and aesthetic goals.
What are popular breast implant choices in the Vancouver metro area?
In the Vancouver area, silicone implants are a popular option because they provide such a natural look and feel. However, the best choice depends on individual factors like body frame, existing breast tissue, and your personal goals and preferences.
Can I get breast implants with my breast lift?
Yes, combining breast implants with a breast lift (mastopexy) is a common procedure. This combined approach addresses both volume loss and sagging, providing more extensive rejuvenation. Dr. Ukani will assess your unique needs to determine if you’re a good candidate for both procedures.